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Discover Installed Components

by IIS Team


The modular architecture in IIS 7.0 and above allows you to limit the potential attack surface on your IIS installation, or to replace built-in features with third-party or custom implementations. In general, this architecture offers you an the ability to control how you deploy IIS on your network.

But if there is a downside to this modular architecture, it is that you can no longer be certain every IIS component you need is available, just because IIS has been installed. You might also discover that making sure multiple servers all have the same IIS components can be a chore.

To work around these issues, we are publishing a list of registry keys that show whether any given IIS module has been installed. Use these registry keys to programmatically check on IIS components. If a component has been installed, the registry key has a DWORD value of 00000001. If a component has never been installed or has been uninstalled, the registry key does not exist. Use the table below to match IIS component names with their registry keys.

Registry Keys

These keys appear in the following registry hive:

Display Name Registry Key
Web Server W3SVC
Common HTTP Features
Static Content StaticContent
Default Document DefaultDocument
Directory Browsing DirectoryBrowse
HTTP Errors HttpErrors
HTTP Redirection HttpRedirect
Application Development Features
.NET Extensibility NetFxExtensibility
ISAPI Extensions ISAPIExtensions
ISAPI Filters ISAPIFilter
Server-Side Includes ServerSideInclude
Health and Diagnostics
HTTP Logging HttpLogging
Logging Tools LoggingLibraries
Request Monitor RequestMonitor
Tracing HttpTracing
Custom Logging CustomLogging
ODBC Logging ODBCLogging
Basic Authentication BasicAuthentication
Windows Authentication WindowsAuthentication
Digest Authentication DigestAuthentication
Client Certificate Mapping Authentication ClientCertificateMappingAuthentication
IIS Client Certificate Mapping Authentication IISClientCertificateMappingAuthentication
URL Authorization Authorization
Request Filtering RequestFiltering
IP and Domain Restrictions IPSecurity
Performance Features
Static Content Compression HttpCompressionStatic
Dynamic Content Compression HttpCompressionDynamic
Management Tools
IIS Management Console ManagementConsole
IIS Management Scripts and Tools ManagementScriptingTools
Management Service AdminService
IIS 6 Management Compatibility
IIS Metabase Compatibility Metabase
IIS 6 WMI Compatibility WMICompatibility
IIS 6 Scripting Tools LegacyScripts
IIS 6 Management Console LegacySnapin
FTP Publishing Service
FTP Server FTPServer
FTP Management snap-in LegacySnapin
Windows Process Activation Service
Process Model ProcessModel
.NET Environment NetFxEnvironment
Configuration APIs WASConfigurationAPI