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Install Typical IIS Workloads

by Saad Ladki


The IIS 7.0 and above modular architecture is designed to enable the IT professional to customize exactly which features are installed and running on the Web server. IIS is now factored into more than 40 feature modules that can be independently installed on the box, dramatically reducing the potential attack surface, while lowering the footprint requirements, and minimizing patching and security risks.

To take full advantage of this modular architecture, you should plan your IIS installation to match the requirements of the applications you will be deploying. Doing so will minimize the IIS features you install, allowing you to take advantage of the benefits of the IIS modular architecture. We will start by considering several common workload configurations and then look at ways they can be combined and modified.


This article discusses installing IIS 7.0 and above on Vista and Windows Server® 2008. This article will not instruct you on how to use the Vista / Windows Server 2008 install technologies; specific details on using setup user interfaces or command line tools to install IIS can be found at:

Principle IIS Workloads

In this section we will consider several common workloads that typify task specific installations of IIS. These workloads can serve as starting points for customizing an IIS install to meet your specific needs.

The common IIS workloads we will consider are:

  • Default Install - Static Content web Server
  • Classic ASP
  • IIS Full Install

Combining and Modifying Workloads

In IIS, you are free to choose the exact features to install to match your workload. In the section above we examined several typical workloads that an IIS web server may be configured with. Combining workloads is a simple process of adding the features of one or more workloads together into your install.

It is also possible to modify these workloads by removing features that you do not want to allow, for example Directory Browsing, or by adding additional features such as authentication or authorization.

Additional sections will provide guidance on adding support for local and remote management, security, diagnostic, and IIS 6.0 compatibility to the common workloads.

Default Install - Static Content Web Server

The Static content web server is the most basic and commonly used installation profile and is commonly used in conjunction with other workloads. The pre-selected setup defaults of IIS provide all the IIS modules required to support this workload. This includes the ability to serve static html files, documents, and images. Additionally support for default document, directory browsing, logging and anonymous authentication is provided. The IIS Management Console is also installed.

To install IIS features for Static Content Web Server from the Vista/Windows Server 2008 setup user interface, select the following IIS features by UI name:

UI Name Update Name
Static Content IIS-StaticContent
Default Document IIS-DefaultDocument
Directory Browsing IIS-DirectoryBrowsing
HTTP Errors IIS-HttpErrors
HTTP Logging IIS-HttpLogging
Logging Tools IIS-LoggingLibraries
Request Monitor IIS-HttpTracing
Request Filtering IIS-RequestFiltering
Static Content Compression IIS-HttpCompressionStatic
IIS Management Console IIS-ManagementConsole

To install IIS features for Static Content Web Server via pkgmgr.exe use the following command line:

Start /w pkgmgr /iu:IIS-WebServerRole;IIS-WebServer;IIS-CommonHttpFeatures;IIS-StaticContent;IIS-DefaultDocument;IIS-DirectoryBrowsing;IIS-HttpErrors; IIS-HealthAndDiagnostics;IIS-HttpLogging;IIS-LoggingLibraries;IIS-RequestMonitor;IIS-Security;IIS-RequestFiltering;IIS-HttpCompressionStatic;IIS-WebServerManagementTools;IIS-ManagementConsole; WAS-WindowsActivationService;WAS-ProcessModel;WAS-NetFxEnvironment;WAS-ConfigurationAPI

To install IIS features for Static Content Web Server via ServerManagerCmd.exe use the following command line:

ServerManager –install Web-Server

ASP.NET Workload

Since its first release ASP.NET has been the platform of choice for developing web applications on the Windows / IIS platform. IIS takes ASP.NET to the next level, by integrating the ASP.NET runtime extensibility model with the core server. This allows developers to fully extend the IIS server with the richness of ASP.NET 2.0 and the .NET Framework. For a full overview of how ASP.NET functionality can now be used with all IIS features see the article: ASP.NET Integration with IIS7 and Above.

The ASP.NET workload extends the static content workload by adding modules for ASP.NET, .NET Extensibility, Request Filtering, ISAPI Filters, and ISAPI Extensions.

To install IIS features for ASP.NET from the Vista/Windows Server 2008 setup user interface, select the following IIS features by UI name (in addition to features for static content):

UI Name Update Name
.NET Extensibility IIS-NetFxExtensibility
Request Filtering IIS-RequestFiltering
ISAPI Extensions IIS-ISAPIExtensions

To install IIS features for ASP.NET along with features for Static Content Web Server via pkgmgr.exe, use the following command line:

Start /w pkgmgr /iu:IIS-WebServerRole;IIS-WebServer;IIS-CommonHttpFeatures;IIS-StaticContent;IIS-DefaultDocument;IIS-DirectoryBrowsing;IIS-HttpErrors;IIS-ApplicationDevelopment;IIS-ASPNET;IIS-NetFxExtensibility;IIS-ISAPIExtensions;IIS-ISAPIFilter;IIS-HealthAndDiagnostics;IIS-HttpLogging;IIS-LoggingLibraries;IIS-RequestMonitor;IIS-Security;IIS-RequestFiltering;IIS-HttpCompressionStatic;IIS-WebServerManagementTools;IIS-ManagementConsole; WAS-WindowsActivationService;WAS-ProcessModel;WAS-NetFxEnvironment;WAS-ConfigurationAPI

To install IIS features for ASP.NET via ServerManagerCmd.exe, use the following command line:

ServerManagerCmd -install Web-Server 
ServerManagerCmd -install Web-ASP-Net 
ServerManagerCmd -install Web-Net-Ext 
ServerManagerCmd -install Web-Filtering 
ServerManagerCmd -install Web-ISAPI-Filter 
ServerManagerCmd -install Web-ISAPI-Ext

It is possible to install support for .NET Extensibility and managed modules without installing support for ASP.NET. Using the IIS .NET Extensibility feature, developers can build solutions that add value for all application components, such as custom authentication schemes, monitoring and logging, security filtering, load balancing, content redirection, and state management. Learn more in article Developing a Module using .NET.

To install IIS features for Managed Modules from the Vista/Windows Server 2008 setup user interface, select the following IIS features by UI name (in addition to features for static content):

UI Name Update Name
.NET Extensibility IIS-NetFxExtensibility

To install IIS features for Managed Modules along with features for Static Content Web Server via pkgmgr.exe, use the following command line:

Start /w pkgmgr /iu:IIS-WebServerRole;IIS-WebServer;IIS-CommonHttpFeatures;IIS-StaticContent;IIS-DefaultDocument;IIS-DirectoryBrowsing;IIS-HttpErrors;IIS-ApplicationDevelopment;IIS-NetFxExtensibility;IIS-ISAPIExtensions;IIS-ISAPIFilter;IIS-HealthAndDiagnostics;IIS-HttpLogging;IIS-LoggingLibraries;IIS-RequestMonitor;IIS-Security;IIS-RequestFiltering;IIS-HttpCompressionStatic;IIS-WebServerManagementTools;IIS-ManagementConsole;WAS-WindowsActivationService;WAS-ProcessModel;WAS-NetFxEnvironment;WAS-ConfigurationAPI

To install IIS features for Managed Modules via ServerManagerCmd.exe, use the following command line:

ServerManagerCmd -install Web-Server 
ServerManagerCmd -install Web-Net-Ext

Install Classic ASP Workload

The widely used classic ASP workload for serving server side scripted .asp pages builds on the static content workload by adding modules for ASP, Request Filtering, and ISAPI Extensions.

To install IIS features for Classic ASP from the Vista/Windows Server 2008 setup user interface, select the following IIS features by UI name (in addition to features for static content):

UI Name Update Name
Request Filtering IIS-RequestFiltering
ISAPI Extensions IIS-ISAPIExtensions

To install IIS features for Classic ASP along with features for Static Content Web Server via pkgmgr.exe, use the following command line:

Start /w pkgmgr /iu:IIS-WebServerRole;IIS-WebServer;IIS-CommonHttpFeatures;IIS-StaticContent;IIS-DefaultDocument;IIS-DirectoryBrowsing;IIS-HttpErrors;IIS-ApplicationDevelopment;IIS-ASP;IIS-ISAPIExtensions;IIS-HealthAndDiagnostics;IIS-HttpLogging;IIS-LoggingLibraries;IIS-RequestMonitor;IIS-Security;IIS-RequestFiltering;IIS-HttpCompressionStatic;IIS-WebServerManagementTools;IIS-ManagementConsole; WAS-WindowsActivationService;WAS-ProcessModel;WAS-NetFxEnvironment;WAS-ConfigurationAPI

To install IIS features for Classic ASP via ServerManagerCmd.exe, use the following command line:

ServerManagerCmd -install Web-Server 
ServerManagerCmd -install Web-ASP 
ServerManagerCmd -install Web-Filtering 
ServerManagerCmd -install Web-ISAPI-Ext

IIS 7.0 and Above Full Install

As a developer or one who is just evaluating IIS you may simply just want to install all 40 of the IIS features: This will certainly assure that you're not missing anything; but realistically, even in a development environment there are advantages to limiting your install to just the features needed for your intended application. Doing your development on a partial install of IIS will assure that you have an understanding of your application's IIS module dependencies. It may also be true that the target servers that your IIS applications will be deployed on will not be configured with a full install. Matching the IIS install on your development machine to that of your target hosting machine will assure your application can run as expected when deployed.

To install all IIS features from the Vista/Windows Server 2008 setup user interface, select the all IIS features displayed in the setup UI. To install all IIS features via pkgmgr.exe, use the following command line:

start /w pkgmgr /iu:IIS-WebServerRole;IIS-WebServer;IIS-CommonHttpFeatures;IIS-StaticContent;IIS-DefaultDocument;IIS-DirectoryBrowsing;IIS-HttpErrors;IIS-HttpRedirect;IIS-ApplicationDevelopment;IIS-ASPNET;IIS-NetFxExtensibility;IIS-ASP;IIS-CGI;IIS-ISAPIExtensions;IIS-ISAPIFilter;IIS-ServerSideIncludes;IIS-HealthAndDiagnostics;IIS-HttpLogging;IIS-LoggingLibraries;IIS-RequestMonitor;IIS-HttpTracing;IIS-CustomLogging;IIS-ODBCLogging;IIS-Security;IIS-BasicAuthentication;IIS-WindowsAuthentication;IIS-DigestAuthentication;IIS-ClientCertificateMappingAuthentication;IIS-IISCertificateMappingAuthentication;IIS-URLAuthorization;IIS-RequestFiltering;IIS-IPSecurity;IIS-Performance;IIS-HttpCompressionStatic;IIS-HttpCompressionDynamic;IIS-WebServerManagementTools;IIS-WebServerManagementTools;IIS-ManagementConsole;IIS-ManagementScriptingTools;IIS-ManagementService;IIS-IIS6ManagementCompatibility;IIS-Metabase;IIS-WMICompatibility;IIS-LegacyScripts;IIS-LegacySnapIn;IIS-FTPPublishingService;IIS-FTPServer;IIS-FTPManagement;WAS-WindowsActivationService;WAS-ProcessModel;WAS-NetFxEnvironment;WAS-ConfigurationAPI

To install all IIS features via ServerManagerCmd.exe, use the following command line:

ServerManagerCmd -install Web-Server -a

Adding Diagnostics

The default static content workload includes HTTP logging and Request Monitor features for logging requests and monitoring request execution, but there are additional IIS 7.0 features you can use to enhance IIS logging and tracing capabilities:

  • Tracing
  • Custom Logging
  • ODBC Logging

Of these features, Tracing provides a powerful way new to debug and diagnose IIS application issues in production environments as well as in development environment. (See article Troubleshooting Failed Requests using Tracing in IIS7 and Above) The Custom Logging and ODBC Logging features exist for IIS 6.0 compatibility and you should only need to install them if you have existing IIS 6.0 that take advantage of these features.

To install the IIS Tracing feature from the Vista/Windows Server 2008 setup user interface, select the following IIS features by UI name (in addition to features for static content):

UI Name Update Name
Tracing IIS-HttpTracing

To install IIS features for Tracing along with features for Static Content Web Server via pkgmgr.exe, use the following command line:

Start /w pkgmgr /iu:IIS-WebServerRole;IIS-WebServer;IIS-CommonHttpFeatures;IIS-StaticContent;IIS-DefaultDocument;IIS-DirectoryBrowsing;IIS-HttpErrors;IIS-HealthAndDiagnostics;IIS-HttpLogging;IIS-LoggingLibraries;IIS-HttpTracing;IIS-Security;IIS-RequestFiltering;IIS-HttpCompressionStatic;IIS-WebServerManagementTools;IIS-ManagementConsole; WAS-WindowsActivationService;WAS-ProcessModel;WAS-NetFxEnvironment;WAS-ConfigurationAPI

To install IIS features for Tracing via ServerManagerCmd.exe, use the following command line:

ServerManagerCmd -install Web-Server 
ServerManagerCmd -install Web-Http-Tracing

Adding Security Features

IIS always includes support for anonymous authentication, no special setup actions need be specified to get this support. If you do not want to allow anonymous authentication it can be disabled from the Management Console. In addition to anonymous authentication, IIS supports many optional authentication and authorization mechanisms to allow you to best secure your web sites.

IIS Authentication Features

To install IIS features for authentication from the Vista/Windows Server 2008 setup user interface, select among following IIS features by UI name (in addition to features for static content):

UI Name Update Name
Basic Authentication IIS-BasicAuthentication
Windows Authentication IIS-WindowsAuthentication
Digest Authentication IIS-DigestAuthentication
Client Certificate Mapping Authentication IIS-ClientCertificateMappingAuthentication
IIS Client Certificate Mapping Authentication IIS-IISCertificateMappingAuthentication

To install IIS features for authentication along with features for Static Content Web Server via pkgmgr.exe, use the following command line:

Start /w pkgmgr /iu:IIS-WebServerRole;IIS-WebServer;IIS-CommonHttpFeatures;IIS-StaticContent;IIS-DefaultDocument;IIS-DirectoryBrowsing;IIS-HttpErrors;IIS-HealthAndDiagnostics;IIS-HttpLogging;IIS-LoggingLibraries;IIS-RequestMonitor;IIS-Security;IIS-BasicAuthentication;IIS-WindowsAuthentication;IIS-DigestAuthentication;IIS-ClientCertificateMappingAuthentication;IIS-IISCertificateMappingAuthentication;IIS-RequestFiltering;IIS-HttpCompressionStatic;IIS-WebServerManagementTools;IIS-ManagementConsole; WAS-WindowsActivationService;WAS-ProcessModel;WAS-NetFxEnvironment;WAS-ConfigurationAPI

To install IIS features for authentication via ServerManagerCmd.exe, use the following command line:

ServerManagerCmd -install Web-Server 
ServerManagerCmd -install Web-Basic-Auth 
ServerManagerCmd -install Web-Windows-Auth 
ServerManagerCmd -install Web-Digest-Auth 
ServerManagerCmd -install Web-Client-Auth 
ServerManagerCmd -install Web-Cert-Auth

IIS 7.0 and Above Authorization Features

To install IIS features for authorization from the Vista/Windows Server 2008 setup user interface, select among following IIS features by UI name (in addition to features for static content):

UI Name Update Name
URL Authorization IIS-URLAuthorization
Request Filtering IIS-RequestFiltering
IP Security IIS-IPSecurity


The Request Filtering feature is part of the default install, and should only be excluded from your installations after you consider all security issues related to this feature.

To install IIS features for authorization along with features for Static Content Web Server via pkgmgr.exe, use the following command line:

Start /w pkgmgr /iu:IIS-WebServerRole;IIS-WebServer;IIS-CommonHttpFeatures;IIS-StaticContent;IIS-DefaultDocument;IIS-DirectoryBrowsing;IIS-HttpErrors;IIS-HealthAndDiagnostics;IIS-HttpLogging;IIS-LoggingLibraries;IIS-RequestMonitor;IIS-Security;IIS-URLAuthorization;IIS-RequestFiltering;IIS-IPSecurity;IIS-HttpCompressionStatic;IIS-WebServerManagementTools;IIS-ManagementConsole; WAS-WindowsActivationService;WAS-ProcessModel;WAS-NetFxEnvironment;WAS-ConfigurationAPI

To install IIS features for authorization via ServerManagerCmd.exe, use the following command line:

ServerManagerCmd -install Web-Server 
ServerManagerCmd -install Web-Url-Auth 
ServerManagerCmd -install Web-Filtering 
ServerManagerCmd -install Web-IP-Security

Management Features for Local and Remote Administration

The default static content workload includes the IIS Management Console, which can be used to manage IIS on your local machine. The Management Console can also be used to manage IIS servers remotely if those servers are configured to accept connections from remote IIS Management Consoles.

Management Client

Installing only the IIS Management Console will give you the ability to manage IIS on other servers that have the Remote Management Service installed.

To install the Management Client only without any IIS web Server or FTP Server features from the Vista/Windows Server 2008 setup user interface, select the following IIS features by UI name (in addition to features for static content):

UI Name Update Name
IIS Management Console IIS- ManagementConsole

To install IIS features for Management Console along with features for Static Content Web Server via pkgmgr.exe, use the following command line:

Start /w pkgmgr /iu:IIS-WebServerRole;IIS-WebServer;IIS-CommonHttpFeatures;IIS-StaticContent;IIS-DefaultDocument;IIS-DirectoryBrowsing;IIS-HttpErrors; IIS-HealthAndDiagnostics;IIS-HttpLogging;IIS-LoggingLibraries;IIS-RequestMonitor;IIS-Security;IIS-RequestFiltering;IIS-HttpCompressionStatic;IIS-WebServerManagementTools;IIS-ManagementConsole;WAS-WindowsActivationService;WAS-ProcessModel;WAS-NetFxEnvironment;WAS-ConfigurationAPI

To install IIS features for Management Console via ServerManagerCmd.exe, use the following command line:

ServerManagerCmd -install Web-Server 
ServerManagerCmd -install Web-Mgmt-Console

Remote Management Service

Installing the IIS Remote Management Service will allow an IIS server to be managed remotely by IIS Management Consoles on other computers.

To install the IIS Management Service from the Vista/Windows Server 2008 setup user interface, select the following IIS features by UI name (in addition to features for static content):

UI Name Update Name
Management Service IIS-ManagementService

To install IIS Management Service along with features for Static Content Web Server via pkgmgr.exe, use the following command line:

Start /w pkgmgr /iu:IIS-WebServerRole;IIS-WebServer;IIS-CommonHttpFeatures;IIS-StaticContent;IIS-DefaultDocument;IIS-DirectoryBrowsing;IIS-HttpErrors; IIS-HealthAndDiagnostics;IIS-HttpLogging;IIS-LoggingLibraries;IIS-RequestMonitor;IIS-Security;IIS-RequestFiltering;IIS-HttpCompressionStatic;IIS-WebServerManagementTools;IIS-ManagementConsole;IIS-ManagementService;WAS-WindowsActivationService;WAS-ProcessModel;WAS-NetFxEnvironment;WAS-ConfigurationAPI

To install IIS Management Service via ServerManagerCmd.exe, use the following command line:

ServerManagerCmd -install Web-Server 
ServerManagerCmd -install Web-Mgmt-Service

IIS 6.0 Metabase Compatibility

IIS provides a configuration store called ApplicationHost.config with a set of management APIs. In order to maintain compatibility with existing applications and scripts that use ABO or ADSI to configure IIS, IIS provides a complete metabase compatibility layer that implements the ABO and ADSI APIs and maps these APIs to the new ApplicationHost.config data store. In addition to the Metabase compatibility feature for ABO, you can also install IIS 6.0 Metabase compatibility for WMI scripting and, the IIS 6.0 scripting tools. To learn more about metabase compatibility, see the article Metabase Compatibility with IIS7 and Above

To install the Metabase Compatibility from the Vista/Windows Server 2008 setup user interface, select the following IIS features by UI name (in addition to features for static content):

UI Name Update Name
IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility IIS-Metabase
IIS 6 WMI Compatibility IIS-WMICompatibility
IIS 6 Scripting Tools IIS-LegacyScripts

To install IIS Metabase Compatibility along with features for Static Content Web Server via pkgmgr.exe, use the following command line:

Start /w pkgmgr /iu:IIS-WebServerRole;IIS-WebServer;IIS-CommonHttpFeatures;IIS-StaticContent;IIS-DefaultDocument;IIS-DirectoryBrowsing;IIS-HttpErrors; IIS-HealthAndDiagnostics;IIS-HttpLogging;IIS-LoggingLibraries;IIS-Security;IIS-RequestFiltering;IIS-HttpCompressionStatic;IIS-WebServerManagementTools;IIS-ManagementConsole;IIS-IIS6ManagementCompatibility;IIS-Metabase;IIS-WMICompatibility; IIS-LegacyScripts;WAS-WindowsActivationService;WAS-ProcessModel;WAS-NetFxEnvironment;WAS-ConfigurationAPI

To install IIS features for Metabase via ServerManagerCmd.exe, use the following command line:

ServerManagerCmd -install Web-Server 
ServerManagerCmd -install Web-Metabase 
ServerManagerCmd -install Web-WMI 
ServerManagerCmd -install Web-Lgcy-Scripting

Managing IIS 6.0 and FTP Server

IIS 7.0 and above provides the IIS 6.0 MMC snap-in to allow you to use your Vista/Windows Server 2008 machines to remotely administer existing IIS 6.0 server on Windows Server 2003 as well as FTP servers on Windows Server 2008. The IIS 6 Management Console cannot be used to manage IIS 7.0 and above Servers.

To install the IIS 6.0 Management Console from the Vista/Windows Server 2008 setup user interface, select the following IIS features by UI name (in addition to features for static content):

UI Name Update Name
IIS 6 Management Console IIS-LegacySnapIn

To install IIS 7.0 and above features for IIS 6.0 Management Console along with features for Static Content Web Server via pkgmgr.exe, use the following command line:

Start /w pkgmgr /iu:IIS-WebServerRole;IIS-WebServer;IIS-CommonHttpFeatures;IIS-StaticContent;IIS-DefaultDocument;IIS-DirectoryBrowsing;IIS-HttpErrors; IIS-HealthAndDiagnostics;IIS-HttpLogging;IIS-LoggingLibraries;IIS-RequestMonitor;IIS-Security;IIS-RequestFiltering;IIS-HttpCompressionStatic;IIS-WebServerManagementTools;IIS-ManagementConsole;IIS6ManagementCompatibility;IIS-LegacySnapIn;WAS-WindowsActivationService;WAS-ProcessModel;WAS-NetFxEnvironment;WAS-ConfigurationAPI

To install IIS 7.0 and above features for IIS 6.0 management via ServerManagerCmd.exe, use the following command line:

ServerManagerCmd -install Web-Server 
ServerManagerCmd -install Web-Lgcy-Mgmt-Console


In this article we saw how to install IIS 7.0 and above to support specific workloads, and how these workloads can be combined and modified. We also looked at adding IIS 7.0 and above features for tracing, security, IIS 6.0 compatibility, local and remote management, and IIS 6.0 management. After installing IIS 7.0 and above with the Server Manager Tool you can then use the Web Server Role Page for quick view of IIS 7.0 and above status, and use the IIS 7.0 and above management Console to configure the IIS features you installed.