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Remote Manager for Windows 2003, XP and Vista SP1

by Brian Delahunty

These requirements must be met in order to continue with the procedures in this article:

  • You must have Windows Vista® SP1 installed.
  • You must have the Microsoft .NET Framework® version 2.0 or greater installed.
  • You must have the Internet Information Services 7.0 or above Management Console® installed (click here to see how to install).


If at any stage during the install process you receive a User Access Control dialog, you can continue the installation by clicking Continue or Allow.

Installing on Windows Vista

  1. Ensure that you meet the installation requirements for Windows Vista®. Note that you must install the IIS Management Console (see how by clicking here).
  2. Download the Remote Manager installer from:
    32 bit (x86) - https://www.iis.net/go/1626
    64 bit (x64) - https://www.iis.net/go/1633
    If you are running the 64 bit version of Windows Vista, ensure that you download the 64 bit installer. The 32 bit installer will not work on 64 bit Windows Vista.
  3. After downloading the installer, simply double click on it to run it.
    Screenshot of the I I S seven dot zero Manager Setup Wizard. The Next button is highlighted.
  4. Click Next to display the License agreement page.
  5. To continue, you must agree to the license agreement and then click Next.
    Screenshot of the I I S Services seven dot zero Manager Setup Wizard. The location where the Remote Manager is to be installed is shown in a text box.
  6. Select the location where you want to install Remote Manager and click Next to continue.
    Screenshot of the I I S seven dot zero Manager Setup Wizard. Text saying Click Install to begin the installation is shown. The Install button can be found at the bottom.
  7. On the next screen, click Install to start the installation.

Using Remote Manager on Windows Vista

After installing Remote Manager on Windows Vista, start the IIS Management Console as you did before. For example:

  1. Click the Windows Start button An icon image of the Windows Start button. to display the start menu.
  2. Type "inetmgr.exe" into the search box and press Enter.
    Screenshot of the Start menu. The text i net m g r dot e x e is written in the search bar.
    If you are prompted by "User Access Control", click Continue.
  3. When the Management Console starts, you may notice that it is different than before. There is now a Start Page and additional options such as "Connect to Server", "Connect to Site" and so on. You can also connect to a Server, Site or Application by going to the File menu and selecting the appropriate option.
    Screenshot of the I I S Manager page. The Connect to a Server option is highlighted.
  4. After you select which type of connection you want to make a wizard will be displayed. Follow the wizard and enter the request details to make a remote connection.

Known Issue

The following issue is known for Remote Manager:

  • The 32 bit version of Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager will not function correctly on 64 bit version of Windows XP®, Windows Server® 2003 and Windows Vista. Ensure that you install the 64 bit version Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager on 64 bit operating systems.

Installing the Management Console on Windows Vista (a prerequisite for installing Remote Manager on Vista)

To install the Internet Information Services (IIS) Management Console on Windows Vista, follow the steps below:

  1. Click the Windows Start button Icon image of the Windows Start button. to display the start menu.
  2. Type "optionalfeatures.exe" into the search box and press enter. If you are prompted by "User Account Control," click Continue.
    Screenshot of the Start menu. In the search bar is the text optional features dot e x e.
  3. When the Windows Features dialog is finished loading, expand the "Internet Information Services" node.
  4. Next, expand the "Web Management Tools" node.
  5. To install the IIS Management Console, check the check box beside "IIS Management Console" and click OK. If the check box is already checked, the Management Console is already installed.
    Screenshot of the Windows Features dialog box. The Internet Information services node is expanded and I I S Management Console is selected.

Installing on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003

The following prerequisites must be fulfilled in order to install Remote Manager on Windows XP or Windows Server 2003:

  • You must have Windows XP Service Pack 2 installed if you are using Windows XP
  • You must have Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 installed if you are using Windows Server 2003
  • You must have the Microsoft .NET Framework version 2.0 or greater installed

Install instructions

  1. Ensure that you meet the installation requirements for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 as discussed earlier.
  2. Download the Remote Manager installer from: 32 bit (x86) or 64 bit (x64) - https://www.iis.net/downloads/microsoft/iis-manager
  3. After downloading the installer, double click it to run.
    Screenshot of the I I S seven dot zero Manager Setup Wizard. A welcome message is displayed.
  4. Click Next to display the License agreement page.
  5. To continue, you must agree to the license agreement and then click Next.
    Screenshot of the I I S seven dot zero Manger Setup Wizard. The destination folder is written in the location box above the Browse button.
  6. Select the location where you want to install Remote Manager and click Next to continue.
    Screenshot of the I I S seven dot zero Manager Setup. The Install button can be found at the bottom of the dialog box.
  7. On the next screen, click Install to start the installation.

Using Remote Manager on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003

To start Remote Manager after installation, follow these instructions:

  1. Click the Windows Start button to display the start menu.
  2. Go to the Programs (or All Programs) menu and click Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0 Manager.
    Screenshot of the Start menu. The All Programs button is selected and expanded. I I S seven dot zero Manager is highlighted.
  3. After Remote Manager starts you can connect to a server, site or application by going to the site menu and clicking the appropriate options.
    Screenshot of the I I S Manager Start Page. Under the File Tab, Connect to a Site is highlighted.
  4. After you select which type of connection you want to make, a wizard displays. Follow the wizard and enter the request details to make a remote connection.