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Community downloads are submitted by IIS community members and do not benefit from Microsoft approval or support, and should be downloaded with this in mind.

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Silverlight IIS Smooth Streaming Offline Cache Sample

Published on 09/28/2010 by mike dodaro


This sample demonstrates implementation of ISmoothStreamingCache for the Silverlight IIS Smooth Streaming off-line scenario. The sample demonstrates implementations of the four methods of ISmoothStreamingCache : BeginRetrieve EndRetrieve BeginPersist EndPersist

Smooth Streaming Client 1.0 Development Sample for Silverlight 4

Published on 06/11/2010 by mike dodaro


Sample application based on the IIS Smooth Streaming Client for use with Silverlight 4 . This sample demonstrates use of the Microsoft.Web.Media.SmoothStreaming namespace and SmoothStreamingMediaElement class with Silverlight 4 . The Microsoft.Web.Media.SmoothStreaming APIs support Silverlight applications that are capable of playback and control of IIS Smooth Streaming data.

Composite Manifest - Calculator for t values

Published on 02/23/2010 by mike dodaro


Specification of t values in the Clip elements of composite manifests requires a calculations with long integers. If you want to create composite manifests for rough cut editing scenarios, this solution will do the calculations. Documentation and samples are available from the download list. There is a sample composite manifest file in the project.