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Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization - Training
Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization
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by Web Deploy Team
Web application development most often involves deploying code in different environments: development, staging, or production servers. Each environment might use a different set of resources, like database connection information, and Web Deploy is built with features that help transform web applications as they are deployed into different environments. In order to transform an application during deployment, different parts of the applications can be "parameterized", and, at deployment time, Web Deploy takes a user's input to replace different pieces of information within the application.
The Web Deploy tool can be used to deploy an application in a couple of different ways. A web application can be synchronized live, from one server (perhaps the development server) to another server (perhaps the server that hosts the application on the web). Web applications can also be packaged into a .zip file, to be downloaded and installed by a wider, more general audience of developers. This is a model commonly used by "platform"-like apps (for example, Wordpress). Finally, Web Deploy is used behind the scenes by Visual Studio when developing and deploying web application (WAP) projects. In this case, Visual Studio automatically parameterizes most of the necessary parts of the web applications, with the ability to create custom parameters if necessary.
Microsoft provides an easy way to install over 50 popular web applications, like Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, and DotNetNuke. These applications can be installed relatively quickly and easily. Behind the scene, these UIs use the Web Deploy tool to install the application from a .zip package. In order to create an application package so that it can be installed by using one of these tools, a number of steps must be taken, including parameterizing parts of the application.
The following steps are required to turn an application into a .zip package that can be deployed:
This article presents each of these steps in detail.
Currently there is no easy way to create an application to experiment with web deploy parameterization, except cloning from an existing application.
Now you have an application that is ready to be packaged and parameterized so that other developers can download and install it. The next step is to set up a file that will tell Web Deploy the steps required to install the application.
The Web Deploy tool can perform a number of functions, including copying files, web server configuration settings, and databases. Each of these functions is made possible by a Web Deploy "provider". In order to install the application you just created, you'll use the iisApp provider, which helps copy files and create the application on the server; the setAcl provider, which sets necessary file permissions; and the dbFullSql provider, which sets up the database. In order to tell Web Deploy to use multiple providers during setup, you need to create a Manifest.xml file that declares these three providers in the following way (you can copy a sample from here):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<iisApp path="Vacation Pictures" />
<setAcl path="Vacation Pictures/App_Data" setAclAccess="Write, ReadAndExecute" />
<dbFullSql path="CreateDBAndUser.sql" />
<dbFullSql path="VacPicDBSchema.sql" />
Let's have a closer look at each of these entries.
The iisApp entry points to the folder where the application content is located. For example:
<iisApp path="Vacation Pictures" />
The path value would be different if the application had a different name.
The setAcl entry tells Web Deploy to grant read, write, and execute permissions to the "App_Data" directory when the application is installed. For example:
<setAcl path="Vacation Pictures/App_Data" setAclAccess="Write, ReadAndExecute" />
Different applications might require special permissions on other folders. In that case, you would create a different setAcl entry for each permission setting that was required.
The dbFullSQL provider entries point to different SQL scripts that are used to create a database and user ("CreateDBAndUser.sql") and to set up the database tables ("VacPicDBSchema.sql") at installation time.
The CreateDBAndUser.sql script is a fairly simple script that can be copied from here:
The VacPicDBSchema.sql is the script that creates all the tables in the database that the application uses. This file can created using the Web Deploy command line tool. From the command line, navigate to where Web Deploy is installed (typically %programfiles%\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy <LatestVersion>) and enter the following command:
msdeploy -verb:sync -source:dbfullsql="data source=.\SQLExpress;initial catalog=PhotoGallery;user id=sa;password=<AdminPassword>" -dest:dbfullsql="c:\VacPicDBSchema.sql"
Make sure to replace <AdminPassword> with the appropriate SQL administrator password.
At a basic level, the above command uses the dbFullSql provider to copy data from a database using a database connection string ("-source:dbfullsql=…") and copies it to a database script file ("-dest:dbfullsql=…")
After you create the manifest file that tells Web Deploy how to install the application, you need to create a parameter file that tells Web Deploy how to transform certain settings so that the application can be customized to work in a specific user's deployment environment.
The basic pieces that would be useful to transform are:
Web Deploy reads parameterization information from an XML file. In this case, you'll call the file Parameters.xml. For this demo, the parameters file can be copied from here and looks like this (on the website, this XML file can be expanded into a code box like is used on this page):
Next, you'll learn now to parameterize the application name and the database name.
Web Deploy parameterization can be used to transform different kinds of input. Normally this involves searching for text in an XML file or text file and replacing it with different text. In the case of the application name, the file copying and the creation of the web site on the destination computer is handled by a Web Deploy provider. So, in order to parameterize the application name, you will actually have to parameterize the provider that you previously declared in the Manifest.xml file.
The provider in the manifest file can be thought of as the Source provider, which will read information from the application package that a user downloads. In turn, when the application is installed, a Destination provider is used behind the scenes to copy the content and create a web site on the user's machine. The Manifest.xml file contains the Source provider information, so in order to allow a user to change the application name; you need to parameterize the provider that was defined in the Manifest.xml file.
In the Parameters.xml file linked to above, this parameterization is accomplished with the first XML entry:
name="Application Path"
description="Full site path where you would like to install your application (i.e., Default Web Site/PhotoGallery)"
<parameterValidation kind="AllowEmpty" />
<parameterEntry kind="ProviderPath" scope="iisapp" match="Vacation Pictures" />
The important XML tag to notice is parameterEntry. This tells Web Deploy a few things: one, that you are parameterizing a provider in the manifest (kind="ProviderPath"); two, that you are parameterizing an iisApp provider (scope="iisapp"); finally, that you only want to replace entries in the manifest file that have the value "Vacation Pictures."
The second entry in the parameter file ('name="SetAclParameter1"') just makes sure that the setAcl provider in our Manifest.xml file uses the same name entered by the user for the iisApp provider, which is accomplished with the line 'defaultValue="{Application Path}/App_Data"'. The value in the brackets, {Application Path}, references the name of the first parameter.
The rest of the entries in the Parameters.xml file deal with parameterizing the database connection information. The 2nd-6th entries in the parameters file gather information from the UI when a user is installing the application. These entries prompt the user for the database server which will host the database for the application ("Database Server"), the name of the database to create ("Database Name"), the database user to associate with the database ("Database Username"), and the password for that user ("Database Password"). To create the database and user, Web Deploy also needs the database administrator user ("Database Administrator") and password ("Database Administrator Password").
Finally, all of the information entered by the user is used by Web Deploy to actually execute the scripts that create the database (CreateDBAndUser.sql) and setup the tables (VacPicDBSchema.sql). These are the 7th and 8th entries in Parameters.xml:
name="Create DB and DB User Connection String"
description="Automatically sets the connection string for the connection request."
defaultValue="Server={Database Server};Database={Database Name};uid={Database Administrator};Pwd={Database Administrator Password};"
<parameterEntry type="ProviderPath" scope="dbfullsql" match="CreateDBAndUser.sql" />
name="Populate DB Connection String"
description="Automatically sets the connection string for the connection request."
defaultValue="Server={Database Server};Database={Database Name};uid={Database Administrator};Pwd={Database Administrator Password};"
<parameterEntry type="ProviderPath" scope="dbfullsql" match="VacPicDBSchema.sql" />
Again, since Web Deploy uses a provider to synchronize database information (as declared in the Manifest.xml file), these two parameter entries are 'type="ProviderPath"'.
Our "Vacation Pictures" application also keeps track of the database connection in the Web.config file. This parameterization is handled by the final entry in Parameters.xml.
You now have the basic building blocks needed to deploy the application, so you can now package the application into the appropriate package format. The package just needs to contain the Parameters.xml file, the Manifest.xml file, and the database installation scripts at the top (root) level of the zip package, and the application content in a subfolder.
In the lower left corner of WebMatrix, click the Site tab to navigate to the site's content.
The site page has a link to where the application content lives:
Click the link to navigate to the application content. Navigate up another level from this folder and create a new folder called "VacationPicsWPIInstaller". Copy the application content folder, the Manifest.xml and Parameters.xml files, and the database installation scripts into the newly created folder:
With all of the files selected, right click->Send to->Compressed (zipped) folder:
This zipped file can be named anything, but to work better with the demo, name it "".
This package now contains everything that is needed to deploy it.
Learning path
Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization - Training
Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization