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Verifying Remote Administration

by Walter Oliver


An important characteristic of Shared Hosting with IIS is that Hosters can empower their users to administer their sites remotely as described in IIS Management and Administration. This article provides hosters with a set of steps to verify that the Remote Administration user experience is indeed enabled.

User Experience Verification



  1. Within a Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 7, or Windows Vista computer run InetMgr.exe.
  2. From the Connections pane select Connect to Site:
    Screenshot of the Connections pane with the Connect to a Site option in the right-click dropdown menu being highlighted.
  3. Enter the Server and Site names and press next:
    Screenshot of the Connect to Site dialog box, showing the Server name and Site name fields.
  4. Enter the User Credentials and press next:
    Screenshot of the Provide Credentials screen with the user's credentials entered into the User name and Password fields.
  5. Enter a name for your Connection:
    Screenshot of the Connect to Site dialog box showing the Connection Name field.
  6. A dialog listing the new available IIS Manager Modules should be displayed, press OK to install the new modules:
    Screenshot of the New Feature Available dialog box, showing the Assembly, Features, Size, and Version fields.
  7. After installation of the new modules IIS Manager will display the modules available, the example below has the Database Manager highlighted.
    Screenshot of the My Dash Site Home screen with the Database Manager option highlighted.


This article described the steps to verify that the Delegated Administration User Experience is enabled.